Thursday, October 20, 2011

2 Shakes in a Day

Yeah, this didn't happen.

I'm sure facebook is flooded with gasping earthquake statuses, especially if you know people from the Bay Area. But still, I'm going to talk about it. Ironically, today was a drill day to prepare for the earthquakes.

Felt the first real shake today. Well...two to be exact. The first one came as I was in GPP class and all of the sudden you could feel the entire lecture hall ( a hall that fits approximately 600 people) shake. You would think that I would panic and think of a way to jet out of the room but no. Instead, I just starred at the ceiling as it shook.

Just when you're hoping that a 3.9 magnitude earthquake was enough for the day, another one came 5 hours later. This time, I just sat on my comfy green chair (yes, I love my green chair) and starred as it shoke again. I know.

Next time, I really need a game plan in case something happen. Somehow, both times, I did not even think of crawling under a table (at least thats what you're told to do). Not from the bay area, I was somehow fascinated that I was caught in the middle of a real shake. Then, I had a sudden panic moment afterward when I realized something bad could have happened.

Hoping thats the end of the shakes for now. I don't know if I'll be able to deal with one of a higher magnitude. Welcome to Northern California, folks.


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